
I’m humbled by the support I’ve received from families across Lakeville. Here’s just a few of the kind words shared by Lakeville residents about our campaign.

Letter - David Larson, Lakeville MN

More than a year of runaway inflation and now an inevitable recession are enough to shake families, retirees and small businesses alike. The hole is getting deep enough that we may not be able to climb out of it overnight – or in a single election – but it is important that we start with this election. In northern Lakeville, we can do that by voting Zach Duckworth for state Senate and Jeff Witte for state House. Both are fiscal conservatives who will resist the urge to create a program for every problem and throw taxpayer dollars at every special interest that knocks on their doors.

They also understand that people are hurting with rising costs for everything from food to heating their homes, which means that in addition to holding the line on government spending, they need to be focused on permanent, meaningful tax relief, including eliminating the state tax on Social Security income. Minnesota also needs legislators focused on making the state more of a land of opportunity for businesses large and small to grow. Currently, high taxes and overregulation put us at the bottom of many of those lists. Both Jeff Witte and Zach Duckworth have been endorsed by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, the Dakota County Regional Chamber, and the National Federation of Independent Business, all organizations focused on a strong economy to support a strong quality of life.

But more than their economically responsible ideas, Zach and Jeff are both servant leaders – one a military veteran, National Guardsman, and volunteer fireman and the other a 27-year police sergeant who dedicated his life to keeping our communities safe.

They are the team we need fighting for our families and businesses in St. Paul.


Officers Support - Kendra Zak, Lakeville MN

Given understandable concerns about crime, public safety is top of mind for many voters this year. But for my family, it is more than an issue in an election — law enforcement is our calling. Both my husband and I are police officers here in the Twin Cities.

We chose our profession to protect and serve our community. When you put on a badge, you literally never know what your next shift holds or what split second life-or-death decision you may be forced to make.

In the past, police officers could rely on a community — and elected officials — that had our back. And although our community’s support for law enforcement has not wavered, the politicians are another story.

In Lakeville this year, we have a chance to help change that. Jeff Witte, a candidate for state House of Representatives in northern Lakeville, is a retired 26-year police sergeant and a former school resource officer. He understands what it takes to prevent and fight crime.

At a time when too many politicians look the other way at violent crime, but are at the front of the line when it comes to blamings cop for all of our social injustices, Jeff Witte will be a voice of common sense that our community needs in Saint Paul.

Join my family — and my brothers and sisters in blue — in supporting Jeff Witte for Minnesota House.

Letter: Law Enforcement Supports These Candidates

Brian Peters, Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association Executive Director

Minnesota’s largest police association, representing over 10,000 rank and file law enforcement officers, enthusiastically supports House candidates Cynthia Lonnquist (52B), Gabriela Kroetch (55A), Joe Scanlon (56B), Rep. Jon Koznick (57A), Jeff Witte (57B), and Rep. Pat Garofalo (58B). We endorse Senate candidates Pam Myhra (55), Jim Bean III (56), Sen. Zach Duckworth (57), and Bill Lieske (58).

They will make sure our public safety officials have the support, resources, and policies that provide for a safer, stronger community for everyone. Rising crime is a statewide problem, and we must restore public safety in our communities. That starts with respecting police as partners and holding violent criminals accountable.That’s why the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association supports and endorses the area’s champions of public safety: Lonnquist, Kroetch, Rep. Koznick, Witte, Rep. Garofalo, Myhra, Bean, Sen. Duckworth, and Lieske. We hope local residents will vote for their re-election.


Letter - Karin Miller, Lakeville MN

Jeff Witte, who is running to be state representative for 57B, is not a typical politician. He is a very down to earth, relatable guy who makes friends at doors all across our community. He and his wife have lived in Lakeville for 32 years and raised three daughters through Lakeville Schools. Jeff is a retired police sergeant with 27 years of service. He currently serves on the Lakeville Planning Commission, is the president of the Board of Directors for the Minnesota Thunder Academy Soccer Club, and works security for Twins games downtown.

Jeff decided to run because he loves our community and wants to protect it from the deterioration we’re seeing in Minneapolis and St. Paul. He is seeking to serve the people in a new way, not on the streets as a cop, but in the halls of the St. Paul Capitol as our state representative in northern Lakeville.

Because of his life experience, Jeff Witte gets people’s concerns about public safety. Jeff gets people’s concerns about their kids, their education, and their safety in school. He gets people’s concerns about the out-of-control inflation that’s draining all of our pocketbooks.

Jeff Witte has a vision for a better, stronger future for our state. From his years of service and leadership on the police force, Jeff knows how to work on a team and develop a winning strategy. He has a plan to improve the economy, public safety, and education by: returning the state tax surplus to the people and providing permanent tax cuts, funding and support law enforcement, pushing for policies that hold criminals accountable, and ensuring the best available security and policies in our schools, in addition to keeping the focus on academics in education.

Jeff Witte has made a life-time career of serving and protecting us on the streets as a police officer, and now he seeks to continue his service to our community by representing us in the Legislature. Let’s give him the chance to do so! Vote for Jeff Witte for House Representative 57B.


Letter - Patty Zuzek, Lakeville MN

Having spent the last two years working with Jeff Witte on the Lakeville Planning Commission, I think he would be an outstanding state representative for our community. Jeff is a retired law enforcement officer and chairs our Planning Commission. He has a unique ability to lead a diverse group of perspectives to a sensible outcome. He is very pragmatic and looks for all sides of a situation before just calling for a vote. Jeff is extremely thoughtful as a member of the commission as his knowledge of public safety comes through on many of his decisions. He inspires the rest of our commission to take our roles seriously by ensuring we have done our homework, visited the locations of new proposed developments to see how they will impact Lakeville, and to listen to each other, and especially, those with different perspectives.

These are all qualities that will make Jeff an outstanding state representative. I am supporting Jeff Witte for Minnesota House of Representatives from District 57B – and hope District 57B residents will too!
